Directorate of Postgraduate Program


Directorate of Postgraduate (PG) Program is an academic unit of Agriculture and Forestry University headed by a Director. As per the recommendations of PG program Committee, it formulates policy of PG program for the university, implements PhD level program and coordinates in Masters level program that is implemented by faculty deans.

The PG program Committee is the regulatory body of the PG program. The committee is headed by Vice Chancellor and its secretary is the PG Director and members are University Registrar, Faculty Deans, Research Director, Controller of Examinations and Curriculum Development Director.

Prof. Santosh Marahatta, PhD


The Committee sets up the policy matters related to admission to PG program, its conduct modality and awarding PG degrees. The policy matters set and approved by the Committee can be forwarded to the Academic Council and/or the Executive Council for final approval, as per the university rules and regulations.

In PhD level, PhD Committee headed by the PG Director, in which related Faculty Dean, Research Director, related Department Chair and Major Advisor (after official assignment) are the members. The PhD committee evaluates the application for PhD admission and decides for admission offer, nominates major advisor, approves PhD candidacy, evaluates semester-wise progress of the PhD researchers and nominates the external examiners for final evaluation of PhD dissertation. Together with the external examiner and the advisory committee, the PhD committee also evaluates during the final defense seminar by the PhD candidate and recommends qualifying the candidate for the PhD Degree award.

The detailed operational guidelines for PG program is published in Postgraduate Program Guidelines 2024.