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Faculty of Agriculture (FOA)

The Faculty of Agriculture (FOA) is the vital faculty within Agriculture and Forestry University considering the faculty strength, staff number as well as the number of students enrolled both in undergraduate and post graduate programs. Its excellence in teaching, research and outreach activities in agriculture has been recognized both at national and international level. This faculty has 9 departments, 2 centers consisting 52 highly qualified faculty members involved in teaching undergraduate and post graduate courses with the support of a team of 67 administrative and technical staff members. Recently, this faculty has expanded its undergraduate program (B.Sc.Ag.) through College of Natural Resources Management, Puranchaur in Kaski.

It encourages, facilitates and supports faculty members and students for research and scholarly activities relevant to the needs of concerned stakeholders. The FOA fosters student self-development, commitment and responsibility for welfare of Nepalese society through imparting the knowledge regarding modernization and commercialization of agriculture sector in sustainable manner.