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Department of Entomology

Faculty Members

Name Designation
Sundar Tiwari, PHD Associate Professor, Chairman
Min Raj Pokhrel, PhDAssociate Professor
Rajendra RegmiAssistant Professor
Bhola GautamAssistant Professor
Chiran Adhikari
Assistant Professor
Ananta Mani BhattaraiAssistant Professor
Department of entomology is major pillar of faculty of agriculture. This department in coordination with plant pathology department conducted plant clinics at different venue, and also planning to establish insect museum in near future. Presently different faculty member and student are conducting research on integrated pest management, Honey bee behavior and bio-diversity of insect.

Courses Offered in Under Graduate
ENT 201 Introductory Entomology 3 (2+1)

ENT 202 Principles and Practices of Insect Pest Management 3 (2+1)

ENT 303 Economic Entomology 3 (2+1)

ENT 304 Industrial Entomology 1 (1+1)

Courses Offered in Post Graduate
ENT 601 Insect Morphology 3 (2+1)

ENT 602 Insect Physiology 3 (2+1)

ENT 603 Insect Ecology 3 (2+1)

ENT 604 Insect Taxonomy 3 (1+2)

ENT 605 Insect Pest Management 3 (2+1)

ENT 606 Insecticide Toxicology 3 (2+1)

ENT 607 Taxonomy of immature insects 3 (1+2)

ENT 608 Insect Pathology 3 (2+1)

ENT 609 Biological Control 3 (2+1)

ENT 610 Storage Entomology 3 (2+1)

ENT 611 Field Crop Entomology 3 (2+1)

ENT 612 Horticultural Entomology 3 (2+1)

ENT 613 Pesticide Regulation and Environment pollution 3 (2+1)

ENT 614 Vertebrate Pest Management 3 (2+1)

ENT 615 Silkworm Rearing 3 (2+1)

ENT 616 Apiculture and Crop Pollination 3 (2+1)